Continuous professional development offerings

To help you find relevant development opportunities you can either browse our entire catalogue, or look for offerings directed towards specific career levels, professional interests, participant-led activities, specific teaching formats, and fundamental teaching skills, or filter the catalogue by keyword search.

The formats for the continuous professional development activities are different; some are regular instructor-led courses or workshops, others are self-paced modules running over a period of time, and others can be initiated by yourself and are more informal in nature. Our portfolio of offerings is continuously updated and developed, so make sure to check in regularly on this page.

Development opportunities by category: 

Participant-initiated activities

Examples of participant-led CPD activities in relation to own teaching practice include – but are not limited to:

  • Structured processes including the design and development of new study programs or major changes to existing programs
  • Organized and systematic knowledge sharing with colleagues, for example, sharing of special interests or teaching requirements related to discipline, teaching format, or specific groups of students – could be facilitated by T&L
  • Publication of research on teaching and learning in peer-reviewed journals within the field of education, in peer-reviewed disciplinary journals, of cases to be used in teaching, or presentation at education conferences or at educational tracks at other conferences.
  • Sharing of best practices including knowledge about teaching practice and educational topics in general as well as conducting local seminars held by members of the faculty

View a list of inspiration for participant-led activities here.


In this category, you will find a catalog of the teaching development options that we recommend here at CBS as fundamentals within teaching and learning.

Browse through our entire catalogue:

Search for specific activities below:

Inclusive and accessible group workInclusive and accessible group work On-demand The workshop is offered based on expressions of interest. …
Educational Leadership (collaboration with Aarhus University)The course is about educational leadership and addresses dilemmas, different expectations, and opportunities in practice …
Collaborative learningIn this hands-on webinar, the participants will be introduced to the main principles of collaborative …
Nordic Nine workshop at programme level This tailor-made workshop aims to create a shared understanding of the NNs among teachers on …
Design tools for inclusion in the classroomIn this workshop, we introduce you to the design-based approach and present a selection of tools …
Universal Design for Learning for group workBased on learning sciences’ research on how humans learn best, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) …
Supervision of BA ProjectsIn this workshop, you will be introduced to different sources, themes and concepts to improve …
A peer-mentoring program for experienced doctoral supervisorsAre you a busy research supervisor looking for strategies to make your supervision even more …
Supporting student learning in your courseInspired by James Lang’s book Small Teaching. Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning, this workshop …
Funding for educational development programs outside CBSCopenhagen Business School (CBS) is offering two scholarships to join the International Teachers Program 2025, …
LecturingThis course aims at providing both experienced and novice lecturers with theoretical and practical knowledge …
In the Limelight – From ARTistry to Classroom MasteryIn teaching and learning both teachers and students can benefit from the insights of applying …
Navigating the post-tenure job with intention, meaning, and communityThe purpose of the workshops is to make space for reflections, idea generation, and sharing …
Expert supervisionOn request, it is possible to request supervision from CBS’ Teaching & Learning ambassadors. Please …
Designing and managing online discussionsThis webinar will explore the use of asynchronous online discussions focusing on the following topics: …
Creating engaging educational videosAre you looking into ways to incorporate more videos into your teaching? Attend this session …
Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) Recognition With a Senior Fellowship, you will …
Crash course in online learning activitiesThis crash course is an opportunity to investigate and try out a range of online …
Blended learning (self-paced)Blended learning (self-paced) Self-paced This course is self-paced, which means that you can take the …
Business Studio Teaching & Learning (self-paced)Business Studio teaching and learning Self-paced This course is self-paced, which means that you can …
How to use and write multiple-choice questionsThe overall objective of this course is to apply research-based recommendations to design effective multiple-choice …
PodcastingThe course will answer the following questions: What are the benefits of using podcast in …
Record your own videos with PanoptoAt CBS we have a license to a recording software called Panopto. Get an introduction to …
Whiteboard tellingYou will learn: How to use Whiteboard presentations as a complementary tool to Power Point …
Supervision of master’s thesisOn the course you will learn about: Supervisor types and supervision models: Insights from the …
Oral examination and assessmentThis course will help you qualify as an oral examiner in university education in Denmark, …
How to activate your students with Slido (on-demand)At CBS we have a license to a online polling and Q&A software called Slido.  …
CORE – Collaborative redesign of courses and programs (on-demand)Collaborative redesign of courses and programs (CORE) Team-based The CORE workshops are usually team-based, which …
Leveraging diversity in the classroomThis course is an opportunity for teachers from different backgrounds and levels of experience to …
Learning to teachTarget group All teachers within higher education who want to be inspired by a new …
How to practice continuous feedbackIn this workshop, you will be introduced to the term ‘continuous feedback’ and get some …
From the theater to the classroomThis course is about how to benefit from the Craft of Acting to develop your …
From how we learn to how we teach: Building the bridge between learning sciences and teaching practicesResearch in the learning sciences provides invaluable insight into how we learn and how we …
Designing Transformational Blended Learning from First PrinciplesThis course is grounded in an innovative conceptualization of blended learning that has been implemented …
Case-based: Writing teaching cases and teaching guidesMany of us want to use case-based teaching in our classrooms, but face the difficulty …
Case-based teachingBy participating in this course you will: Increase your awareness of teaching approaches that fully …
Canvas – Hands on personalized WorkshopReady to delve into the diverse features and tools that Canvas offers? This workshop is …
Introduction course for CBS instructorsThis course will serve as an introduction to the role and practice of instructors at …
Assertive verbal – oral communication and personal performanceWhy As lectures, we need to consider how to perform the content of our teaching in a …
Elevate your visual design on CanvasIn this webinar, participants will learn how to create highly visual and engaging courses on …
Re-purposing videosDo you have recorded lectures from teaching remotely that you want to repurpose? Or do …
Peer feedbackIn this webinar, we will talk about the use of peer feedback as a learning …

Please let us know if you are missing something – write to us at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.