From the theater to the classroom

This course is about how to benefit from the Craft of Acting to develop your Personal Performance style. The main goal of the course is to show the path to feeling present, free, engaged, and creating a mutual lively contact with your students and colleagues.

When we teach, we have a stage, we have a story and an audience. We have ourselves, our language, our body, our thoughts, and our feelings. We will train all these elements.

With the tools from the Ancient Theatre, the classic drama teachers of Russia, the improvisers of England and Italy, and the Method Acting Masters in New York, we will train how to perform engaged, freely, and with imagination. We will rediscover the playing and improvising abilities from our childhood and combine them with our competencies and experience from our adult lives.

We will examine what charisma looks and feels like and how you can develop as a performer – also by connecting to new roles and aspects of yourself. We will also work with the uninvited obstacles we experience, nervousness, shyness, exaggerated perfectionism, inner blocking, and the famous Law of Jante.  

Next course

Find out when the next event is in our course catalogue.


Nastja Arcel