Students debating ethical dilemmas in Cyber Security, Regulation, and Policy in Digital Business (NN 5) 

Study Board MSc in Business Administration and Market Dynamics and Digital Business 
Course title Cyber Security, Regulation, and Policy in Digital Business 
Course type/size Mandatory course (approx 70 students) 
Teaching format Blended

NN connections of this activity

This debate activity offers students an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of ethical dilemmas of AI regulation and the skills to argue for an approach that they believe to be strategically beneficial. The parliamentary debate format allows students to practise arguing from a leadership position, which links this activity directly to NN5. 

Importantly, this activity was designed so it could be easily copied by other teachers, who might want to use it for topics linked to NN. 

Teaching philosophy  

“Our goal is for our students to become tomorrow’s top business leaders, capable of navigating ethical challenges and engaging constructively with their employees. However, their formal education often lacks practical opportunities to develop these skills. Through a debate format as a learning activity, this course provides a practice environment for applying ethical leadership within an organization, including the associated risks. The activity aims to strike a pedagogical balance by creating a setting that is both realistic when debating ethical dilemmas and also a safe space for learning, thus allowing students to experience Nordic Nine 5”.  

(Jan Lemnitzer, Department of Digitalization) 

Key objective(s) aligned with this activity

  • Reflect on the changing relationship between tech companies and the state, and the reasons why states increasingly seek to regulate new technologies 
  • Understand and assess the difficulties related to the regulation of the risks posed by new technologies such as digital platforms, AI or Cloud computing as well as the political and economic power of those companies bringing them to the market 
  • Account for the regulatory, political and technological developments that set the framework for business cyber security 
  • Evaluate the trade-offs and strategic decisions that must be made when establishing a businesses’ cyber security posture and risk appetite 

Description of the activity

The students are divided into three groups that take on the roles of government, opposition, and neutrals to simulate a parliamentary debate environment. Each group is tasked with preparing speeches, supporting their designated speakers, and crafting arguments based on provided templates and guidance. The debate unfolds with government and opposition speakers presenting and rebutting proposals on AI regulation, highlighting strategic decisions, potential flaws, and practical challenges. Neutral speakers, simulating a more open debate style, offer unique perspectives and ultimately declare their support for one side, providing reasons for their choice.   

The session concludes with a vote on the proposal, conducted secretly using a technological tool (e.g. Slido), followed by a reflective discussion on the debate’s effectiveness in addressing the complexities of AI regulation. This activity not only encourages critical thinking and public speaking skills but also emphasizes the importance of engaging with complex tech topics in political and educational discussions. 


Jan Lemnitzer has provided guidance notes and the templates for the activity here (only visible to CBS staff).