When data regarding the students are used in teaching tools, the supplier of the tool will be a data processor for CBS. CBS must have data processor agreements in place with the supplier before CBS starts using the tool. New tools are reviewed by the IT Department and the Purchase Department in a visitation process where it is also reviewed whether CBS already has a tool, which has the same features. A court case from the European Court of Justice has made it more difficult to use suppliers based outside of the EU. In these cases, a dialogue must be had with the supplier regarding technical measures to ensure the protection of the students’ personal data. It is therefore important that new systems are reported in the visitation process as soon as possible.
Found an education tool that you want to use?
If you have found a new educational tool that you want to use, but are not sure whether it’s GDPR compliant, please contact learning technologist Mads Szylit Larsen at msl.tl@cbs.dk