A peer-mentoring program for experienced doctoral supervisors

Are you a busy research supervisor looking for strategies to make your supervision even more efficient and enjoyable? Then you will find this advanced program relevant.

The program is based on peer mentoring where supervisors observe each other’s supervision and provide peer feedback. Peer mentoring is a structured and systematic means of sharing knowledge, and experience, and do joint problem-solving among peers at similar professional career stages. The peer-mentoring process is facilitated by a highly experienced educational developer within the field of doctoral supervision.

The main purpose is to establish, support and develop local, collegial, and scholarly-based reflection among experienced supervisors at CBS.

Target group
Associate Professors or Full Professors at CBS with experience as main PhD supervisor.


  • Over a period of one semester, the program includes an introductory workshop in September (3 hours) and closes with a follow-up workshop in November (3 hours).


  • Participants will complete 1-2 rounds of peer observations (approx. 6 hours in total). The facilitator offers support/sparring, if necessary.
  • The introductory workshop includes 1) a brief focused presentation of research-based advice and tools for successful PhD supervision, and 2) an introduction to key principles on how to conduct peer observations.
  • The closing workshop will focus on participants’ learning from doing peer observations. Participants will document their learning by writing a teaching portfolio in a format compatible with the new requirements when applying for promotion at Danish universities. At the workshop, participants will share their portfolio drafts, provide peer-feedback as well as get feedback from the facilitator.
  • The program is cross-departmental.

Intended learning outcomes

The program offers you:

  • A flexible format for continuous professional supervisor development
  • A unique insight into other experienced supervisors’ practices
  • Concrete and context-specific feedback on your daily supervision
  • A collegial community with other experienced supervisors
  • Research-based knowledge about high quality supervision
  • Feedback on how to solve critical cases in supervision
  • An opportunity to produce an outstanding teaching portfolio

Number of participants: Max. 30

Next course

Find out when the next event is in our course catalogue.


Gitte Wichmann-Hansen
Annemette Kjærgaard

About the facilitators

Gitte Wichmann-Hansen, PhD is a Senior researcher at The Department of Education Studies, Aarhus University, and owner of the consultancy “Academic Supervision” that offers high-quality professional training for research supervisors. 

She is an established researcher within the field of doctoral supervision with 100+ publications on academic supervision, and she has 20+ years of experience running workshops for supervisors at all career stages across European Universities.

Annemette Kjærgaard, PhD is Professor MSO at Department for Management, Society, and Communications at CBS and Academic Director for Continuous Professional Development at CBS.  Her research focus is Management Learning and Development, and she teaches assistant professors in the Higher Education Teaching Excellence Program and Leadership Development at Master in Public Governance.