Instructors are also students – and they keep developing personally and professionally. Here are some brief recommendations for the continuous professional development of CBS instructors:
- Introduction course
Encourage your instructor to sign up for the “Introduction Course for CBS Instructors”. Find the course here.
- Other courses
Consider the range of courses and workshops from the Teaching and Learning course catalog that you can find here.
- Self-training
Encourage instructors to engage in self-training. On this website, there is a vast pool of pedagogical literature, recommendations, and tools to dive into. Visit ‘Resources‘ to discover the literature.
- Inspirational literature
Buy the book “Effektiv Holdundervisning” or borrow a copy from Teaching and Learning. The book provides a range of different teaching tools and exercises ideas for in-class teaching.
- Collaboration
Work closely with your instructor to ensure alignment between your work. Book several meetings throughout each semester for continuous coordination and evaluation.
If you want to learn more about instructor development, please contact learning consultant Nina Rathlev Henriksen at