Using generative AI tools

This resource page provides valuable insights and guidance on incorporating AI tools into your teaching practice. For latest information regarding rules and policies, visit Teacher Hub.

From ban to embrace

Copenhagen Business School has consistently been at the forefront of implementing innovative teaching and learning strategies. As the potential of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools like Microsoft’s Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT become increasingly apparent, CBS is shifting its stance from prohibition to responsible integration.

CBS wants to integrate generative AI tools (GenAI) into relevant educational and examination activities, so that our faculty and students become reflexive users of these tools. The use must not compromise academic integrity or call into question the student’s independent work with the subject, neither in the learning process nor at the exam.

AI in teaching

CBS has adopted Microsoft’s Copilot for all of it’s staff and students. This means that all CBS staff and students can use Copilot. You can read more about it here.

Current guidelines for AI in teaching

Please read the guide Introducing AI in the classroom.

Current guidelines for AI in exams

In general, it is not permitted for students to use GenAI as an aid in exams at CBS, unless it is explicitly stated in the exam regulations of the course. The exception is students that work on their bachelor projects, master’s theses, and final projects (HD/executive programmes). They will be allowed to use generative AI in these specific projects. This took effect for students handing in their project/thesis after February 1st, 2024. You can read the guidelines for supervisors and students regarding bachelor’s projects, master’s theses, and final projects here.

There is currently no software that can show with certainty whether all or part of a written assignment has been written with the use of AI. If assessors suspect that all or parts of an exam assignment was not written by the student, this must be reported as suspicion of exam cheating.

You can test your exam cases or questions to see how AI will answer them. You can do that through CBS’ license to Copilot. The reason we can use Copilot is that Microsoft neither stores the data nor uses it to train their AI models. You can read more about Copilot here.

Going forward

It is the individual program that decides which exams are relevant for the program. It is thus also up to the individual program to assess whether, in some cases, the exam formats need to be changed to ensure that the exam continues to reflect the student’s independent contribution. It is up to each individual program to organize a process where the necessary changes to programme regulations and course descriptions can be made.

The exception to the above is the final assignment of a degree in the form of bachelor’s projects, final projects (HD) and master’s theses. The framework and rules for these assignments should be the same across CBS.

In order to deal with the complexity of AI, the Dean of Education established an advisory board in August 2023 to make recommendations for continued development of policies and guidelines in this area.

What is your experience with AI in teaching?

We are actively collecting examples of how CBS teachers are using or plan to use ChatGPT in their teaching. If you’re willing to share your experiences, please contact Stefani Konstanta at

CBS is actively exploring AI integration through pilot projects in classrooms, focusing on best practices for AI tools like ChatGPT. Our approach to incorporating AI into the curriculum includes:

  1. Educating faculty on ethical AI usage through workshops and seminars
  2. Implementing AI tool pilot projects in exams and teaching.
  3. Holding monthly meetings with the Special Interest Group in AI teaching & learning.
  4. Continuously assessing and refining AI integration based on feedback from students and faculty.

Frequently Asked Questions