This course is grounded in an innovative conceptualization of blended learning that has been implemented in higher education and corporate learning settings internationally. In contrast to simplistic conceptualizations of blended learning as a mixture of face-to-face and online learning, the approach underpinning this course is based on a multi-dimensional definition including blends of different types of learning activities (with a focus on real-world problems); blends of different types of learning resources (with emphasis on authentic content reused from real-world work settings); blends of different times and places for learning activities, integrating formal and informal contexts in which students learn; blends of different ways in which people learn and work together, including individual learning, collaboration, reflection, knowledge building; blends of different modes of assessment with a focus on real-world workplace relevance; and blends of different tools and environments people use to learn. Developed by Professor Anoush Margaryan, this blended learning framework has been published and highly cited in impact-rated academic journals as well as receiving an Excellence in Research to Practice award from the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).
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