
Learn – engage – create with GenderLAB! A research-based tool

Gender Lab is a workshop format – in cooperation with KVINFO, Hanken School of Economics, the GODESS Institute, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

What is GenderLAB?
The Diversity and Difference Platform has created an innovative and co-creative workshop format called GenderLAB – in cooperation with KVINFO, Hanken School of Economics, the GODESS Institute, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This effort was made possible with funding from the Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK), which is a Nordic cooperation body under the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The GenderLAB combines elements of the Design Thinking method with the most recent insights from research on unconscious bias and norm critique. On this page you can read more about GenderLAB and find all relevant materials to use this method. We are providing this as a public service and everything on this website is free for your non-commercial use. If you have questions about GenderLAB and its usage, please feel free to contact us.

For further information on GenderLAB, you can find KVINFO’s website here. You can also click on the image below to watch a short introductory video on how GenderLAB works. Furthermore, the podcast Karrierekvinder has created a feature on Company Culture together with KVINFO and Deloitte (in Danish).

GenderLAB – A project report

Below, you can download the GenderLAB project report. This is in equal parts an acknowledgment of the parties that have worked on creating the GenderLAB, a communication of the ideas and theories behind this workshop method, and a detailed user guide. We have given out printed versions of this report during our dissemination conference in December 2019 and – given the great interest – are making this file also available digitally free of charge. Please note that this is for non-commercial use only.

Additional resources
We have also compiled some additional resources to help you run your own GenderLAB as well as a poster that you can print and hang up in your own organization, which you can download below.

GenderLAB videos

To go even more into depth, we have created a video series featuring some of the many parties involved in creating and fostering the GenderLAB in order to explain some of the key elements of the GenderLAB. You can find them below.

Creating more gender equality in higher education with Gregor Halff:

Why we developed GenderLAB with Henriette Laursen:

Using design thinking to solve wicked problems, with Stina Teilmann-Lock:

Leading and facilitating GenderLAB with Bontu Lucie Guschke:

Norm critique with Jannick Friis Christensen:

Unconscious bias with Sara Louise Muhr:

Emotions with Ana Maria Munar:

GenderLAB and its conceptual outcomes with Florence Villesèche: