Slido - Audience Interaction Made Easy

Getting started
If you want to get started with Slido, as a teacher or a student, please go to and sign up with your CBS account. Once you have signed up, you can start creating polls, quizzes, and other activities.

Slido is an interactive quiz, poll, and Q&A tool. With Slido, you can use live polls or quizzes (like Kahoot!) to check if your students are keeping up with the lecture. This will help you identify the points that need clarification and adjust your lesson accordingly. You can also help remove students’ fear of asking questions in front of the class – they can post questions anonymously from their phones and upvote the questions they like.

How can you use Slido in your teaching?

  • Crowdsource the best questions from your students
    Let your participants ask questions from any device. No downloads are required.
  • Maximize the effectiveness of your Q&A time
    Let the people decide which questions they would most like to discuss.
  • Remove the fear of asking questions in class
    Increase both the quality and quantity of questions by allowing people to ask anonymously.
  • Use different poll types
    You can choose between multiple-choice questions, quizzes, ratings, word clouds and open text.
  • Capture the top insights in reports
    All of the questions can be exported after your event or shared via an infographic.

Slido for students

Students can also create their own Slido sessions, enabling them to play an active role in shaping the learning experience.

For technical guides on how to use Slido, you can visit T&L Guides in Canvas here. If you have any further questions, please reach out to your local consultant. This only applies for teachers, so if you are a student please contact Slido directly.

You can also visit Slido’s Help Center here.