Teacher facilitation

When introducing the BMC game to your classroom, the teacher takes on different facilitator roles before, during, and after the game. It can be argued that teachers shift back and forth between four different roles when facilitating games for educational purposes (Hanghøj, 2013), and these are the role mentioned below:

What to consider

When facilitating the business model game in class, you may find it helpful to consider your own roles during game play by asking yourself questions such as:

  • How should the game be introduced?
  • How do I communicate the intended learning outcomes to students? And what are they?
  • How do students need to prepare for the class?
  • How do I make sure the energy level doesn’t drop during gameplay?
  • How can I challenge students during gameplay?
  • How can I make sure everyone’s on track?
  • How do I plan to sum up?