Teaching room types: Layout and equipment

We operate with three types of teaching rooms at CBS.

Click the pictures to start a short video of each type:



Active Learning Space

The three teaching room types have the following layout and equipment:

Teaching Room Types Auditorium Classroom Active Learning Space
Layout Auditorium style or flat Flat or leveled Flat or leveled
Size (seats) 60-500 20-150 20-150
Tables Fixed rows Rows or group tables Group tables
Chairs Rows Rows or around group tables Around group tables
Whiteboard and podium for teacher Yes Yes Yes
Projector with screen Yes Yes Yes
Whiteboards for student groups No No and yes Yes
Number of rooms per type 01.09.24 77 (80 including PC-rooms) 25 (26 including Ovnhallen)) 20 (22 including Studios)

Furthermore, most teaching rooms have streaming equipment.

In addition to the room types described above we also have a number of other teaching rooms at CBS:

Need more details about a specific room? Please click here.

You can get an overview of CBS campus in the campus map here.