Guides, inspiration, and support

DUT Guide on Supervision

Read a DUT Guide on supervision here (in English).

Below you will find some suggestions for recommended literature on supervision. Two of the examples are only available in a Danish version.

Chapters: 3.5, 4.2, 4.6.1, 5.1., 5.2., in Rienecker, Lotte  m.fl. (ed): University Teaching and Learning Samfundslitteratur, 2015.

Rienecker, Lotte. m.fl.: Vejledning af specialer, bacheloropgaver og projekter, Samundslitteratur, 2019.

Olsen, Poul Bitsch & Pedersen, Kaare: Problemorienteret projektarbejde, Samfundslitteratur, 2018


Please do not hesitate to contact Jens Tofteskov for more information at