Collaborative redesign of courses


The redesign workshops are usually team-based, which means that you get to work together with a group of your colleagues teaching within the same course, program, or discipline.


The workshops run on an on-demand basis. If you are interested in doing a redesign workshop, please reach out to your local department consultant.

Target group
Teaching staff who, regardless of their teaching experience, would like to redesign their courses as a team (i.e. teachers teaching in the same program or teachers teaching the same course).

Course content
This workshop supports participants in the implementation of a thorough and step-by-step approach to course design. The overall objective of the workshop is the development of a course plan that is student-centered and promotes deep and active learning. The workshop takes departure in your needs and the outcomes can for example be a storyboard (weekly learning plan) of their course, a redesign of specific activities, or a sample module in Canvas.

Some of the key points covered in the workshop are:

  • The Backward Course Design model
  • Alignment of learning outcomes, activities, and assessment
  • Delivery modes: face-to-face, online, blended
  • Formative assessment and feedback

Time and process
Dates and times are agreed upon with the participants. Duration of the workshop(s) is agreed upon based on a needs assessment meeting prior to the workshop(s). 

Intended learning outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to apply the Backward Design model for course design through the completion of the following activities:

  • reflecting on the general goals of the course and the characteristics of the students
  • writing intended learning outcomes
  • ensuring alignment between learning outcomes, learning activities, and assessment
  • developing a student-centered weekly plan for the course
  • producing prototypes for some activities and a sample module in Canvas

The managers of the course will be Teaching & Learning or the learning consultants allocated to your department.

Depends on the needs assessment done prior to the workshop.