Catalogue of Nordic Nine examples

The section below introduces a selection of examples from CBS’ teaching practice that focus on the implementation of Nordic Nines. Drawn from different study programmes, these examples show a wide range of teaching approaches that are all relevant to the identified NNs. We hope that this guides you towards an interpretation of NNs that is most suitable for your course and inspires you to try out teaching methods that might be new to you. 

Each example contains: 

  1. a comment from a learning consultant on the connection to a specific NN, 
  1. words of the teacher introducing the teaching philosophy that stands behind this activity, and 
  1. a description of the activity. 

This catalogue of examples originated from the materials collected during the Study Board workshops in September 2022 that focused on NN6 and NN8. We have since expanded the collection to include accounts of other NNs, aiming to document the wide variety of possible approaches to teaching NNs. We hope to continue expanding the catalogue and, through that, inspire more teachers to adopt new ways of teaching NN capabilities. 
