A peer-mentoring program for experienced doctoral supervisors

Are you a busy research supervisor looking for strategies to make your supervision even more efficient and enjoyable? Then you will find this advanced program relevant.

The program is based on peer-mentoring where supervisors observe each other’s supervision and provides peer-feedback. Peer mentoring is a structured and systematic means of sharing knowledge, experience, and do joint problem solving among peers at similar professional career stages. The peer-mentoring process is facilitated by a highly experienced educational developer within the field of doctoral supervision.

The main purpose is to establish, support and develop local, collegial, and scholarly based reflection among experienced supervisors at CBS.

  • Participants will complete 1-2 rounds of peer-observations (approx. 6 hours in total). The facilitator offers support/sparring, if necessary.
  • The introductory workshop includes 1) a brief focused presentation of research-based advice and tools for successful PhD supervision, and 2) introduction to key principles on how to conduct peer-observations.
  • The closing workshop will focus on participants’ learning from doing peer-observations. Participants will document their learning by writing a teaching portfolio in a format compatible with the new requirements when applying for promotion at Danish universities. At the workshop, participants will share their portfolio drafts, provide peer-feedback as well as get feedback from the facilitator.
  • The program is cross-departmental.

Target group

Associate Professors or Full Professors at CBS with experience as main PhD supervisor.
Please note for associate professors and professors only.


The program offers you:

•A flexible format for continuous professional supervisor development
•A unique insight into other experienced supervisors’ practices
•Concrete and context-specific feedback on your daily supervision
•A collegial community with other experienced supervisors
•Research-based knowledge about high quality supervision
•Feedback on how to solve critical cases in supervision
•An opportunity to produce an outstanding teaching portfolio

See attached link https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs/Assets/COP2/PDF/Program peer mentoring_experienced doctoral supervisors_rev94 (002).pdf


Over a period of one semester, the program includes an introductory workshop in April (4 hours) and closes with a follow-up workshop in May (4 hours).

Registration deadline


Fee (external participants):

15000 DKK


11 Apr 2024 - 30 May 2024


9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Gitte Wichmann-Hansen


Gitte Wichmann-Hansen

Other Organizers

Annemette Kjærgaard
Annemette Kjærgaard