How to activate your students with Slido (polling, quizzes and q&a)

In the workshop we will go through:

At CBS we have a license to an online polling and Q&A software called Slido.
In this workshop, you will get an introduction to how you can incorporate polling and Q&A questions in your presentation.
Please note that participation in this workshop requires that you bring your own laptop with access to eduroam.

Target group

Teachers who like to active students during their teaching.


After the workshop you will be able to:
• Install and setup the software
• Select between different types of questions to use
• Use quizzes (like in Kahoot)
• Use a Q&A
• Build questions into your PowerPoint presentation
• Build a question list and use it if you are not using PowerPoint
• Download a report with the answers
• Form ideas about how to use Slido in your own teaching


1/3 days

Registration deadline

25 September 2023