Master theses at CBS must include basic reflections on research methodology and philosophy of science [da. “Videnskabsteori”]. This workshop addresses the question of how supervisors can help students meet that mandatory requirement; especially for study areas that predominantly rely on quantitative methods.
In the workshop, we will take our point of departure in some basic concepts and approaches within the philosophy of science and we will then proceed to discuss how to these typically relate to the kinds of research questions posed in business school projects and the methods used to answer them.
In particular, we will focus on how overall arguments from the philosophy of science can be used to articulate the strengths and weaknesses of using quantitative methods in studying firms, organizations, and markets, and reflect on the findings of such studies.
[Note that CBS offers a parallel philosophy of science workshop focused on the strengths and pitfalls of qualitative methods. You should choose the track that seems most pertinent to you and the relevant study program context. There will be some overlap in content between the two workshops, but depending on the study program context, you may also choose to attend both.]
The workshop will cover the following areas:
• What are the overall debates in the philosophy of science?
• What are the overall strengths and pitfalls of applying quantitative methods?
• What role do methodology and philosophy of science play in student projects?
• How can supervisors help to ensure basic scientific standards in business school projects?
Target group
Teachers who supervise large written student projects, i.e. master theses. Depending on the study program context, the course may also be relevant for teachers who supervise bachelor projects as well as larger 1st, 2nd, and 4th year projects. New as well as experienced supervisors can benefit from the workshop.
Intended learning outcomes
After the workshop, participants should be
Better able to help students with questions of philosophy of science and methodology
Better able to guide students in discussions of quantitative research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation
Better able to articulate the relevance of the philosophy of science and methodology for business school projects
1/2 day
Registration deadline
8 March 2023