Get Help Publishing Your Teaching Case

Nordic Case House helps you write a good teaching case that can be published through international publishers such as Harvard Business Publishing and The Case Centre.

CBS has just published 18 new teaching cases that can now be used by educators at universities worldwide. They can find CBS’s case collection by searching on two major case portals, operated by the renowned publishers Harvard Business Publishing and The Case Centre. Every time a case is used, the author receives a share of the revenue generated from the case sale. The rest of the revenue is shared between CBS and the publisher to cover expenses for proofreading, editing, layout, and marketing.


CBS established Nordic Case House in 2021 to produce cases of the highest quality that reflect business and management challenges of the 21st century. With a focus on the Nordic economic model and global business challenges, CBS’s case collection supports the development of modern leaders. Teaching cases with accompanying notes for the instructor are written by CBS’s diverse faculty, often in collaboration with a company. Real-world cases help bring business dilemmas into the classroom.

Future Visions

Now that Nordic Case House has established partnerships with two renowned publishers and arranged a process for how we can help and support authors from the early idea phase until their final case is available online, we, together with CBS’s faculty, will be able to deliver many more exciting and relevant teaching cases in the coming years.

Andrew Inkpen, Academic Director of Nordic Case House, explains:

“Through international distribution of cases, Nordic Case House can help highlight business, culture, and economics in Denmark and other Nordic countries. International distribution also provides CBS case authors with an opportunity to connect with other educators around the world.”

Regarding the further ambitions for Nordic Case House, the Director says:

“Our ambition is to expand the CBS case collection and continuously deliver new world-class teaching materials to educators worldwide. We already have several new cases under development, and more are on the way.”

CBS Case Collection

You can find the CBS case collection here:

Ida Marie Malmkjær
Ida Marie Malmkjær
Articles: 6