This crash course is an opportunity to investigate and try out a range of online activities that can supplement, or possibly replace in-class activities.
The course is based upon the idea of active experimentation and will allow you to interactively experience and explore:
1) Multimedia content
2) Approaches to active and social online learning
3) Online assessment and feedback
In addition, you will be provided with “self-paced modules” that cover additional aspects of online and blended teaching. You can consult these modules if and when you deem them relevant.
The course is delivered in a blended format. The online activities run over the course of five consecutive days. You have to be able to familiarize yourself with the daily content and tasks between 7 and 10 am on each of the 5 course days and to engage in the online activities for at least 2 hours EACH of these five days. Based on this, you are supposed to outline how the learnings from the course can translate into your future teaching. All participants will present their reflections at a follow-up on-campus seminar.
This course is for any teacher who would like to engage their students in teacher-directed activities outside the on-campus classroom. It is also for teachers who would like to be more familiar with online teaching and maybe want to develop a blended or fully online course.
NB! There is a significant overlap between this course and the course “Self-paced, blended learning”. This Crash course adopts a more hands-on approach, providing you with activities and exercises that allow you to experience and train the use of different online learning activities.
OBS! This is a multiple days-course.
Time & Location
First part: Monday 13 March to Friday 17 March 2023 (online module)
Second part: Friday 14 April 09.00-12.00 2023 (on-campus)
Target group
Teachers interested in integrating online activities in their teaching – preparing them for both blended and fully online classes.
2 days
Registration deadline
6 March 2023
Fee (external participants)
6500 DKK