This course is self-paced, which means that you can take the course at your own time and pace – there are no deadlines or set timeslots.
This course is fully online in Canvas, which means that there will be no physical activities.
The Business Studio is an exciting approach to teaching and learning in Business, but what does a Business Studio look like?
In this 2-hour fully online and self-paced introductory course you will learn about the various forms a Business Studio can take, and how it compares with studios in other disciplines such as Art and Design.
As you progress through the course you will discover what is ‘made’ in a Business Studio, the value of Business Studios for business and management education, and the vital role of creativity in the studio environment.
To support your learning, you will explore three key dimensions of a Business Studio and how they interact. These dimensions include the physical studio environment, tasks, and social interaction. This view of the learning environment will allow you to start thinking about how you might approach the design and facilitation of your own studio course.
Along the way, you will find out how colleagues at the Copenhagen Business School, The University of Sydney Business School, and other institutions have implemented studio pedagogy. This will give you some concrete examples of the kinds of projects students might engage in when learning in the studio environment.
At the end of the course, you will walk away with a conceptual framework and practical insights to help you develop a business studio course or module.
Important information: In order to receive a certificate mail, please send an e-mail to edq@cbs.dk.